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Studio Diary - 2016-12-12

I hate December.The holidays are majorly messing with my ability to create.   Parties, people...and more people. I'm getting into that part of the year where I want to just go hide from everyone and hibernate until after my birthday.Birthdays...ugh.  I hate them.  Enough said.I did, fortunately, have some time to work in the studio this weekend.  A little bit on Saturday morning and a little sprinkled through the day on Sunday.   For whatever reason, I decided to work with that Electronic Music Works EMW-300 Controller/sequencer that I bought on a whim a while back.  I'd like to say that I'm finding it's magic, but I really am not.  There is no way to sugar coat it - buying it was a mistake.   It's a one trick pony and I don't like the trick.   What's worse is I can't sell it because I found out the clock input isn't working.   More specifically, the switch that switches from internal to external clock is faulty.   Color me pissed.  Off to the closet it goes.  Maybe one day, I'll hack the shit out of it or something.So I guess this is to say the time was not very productive.   Oh well.Did I mention I hate December?