Updates for everyone!

In case you've lost track of me, I am still actually here making music. I've been too busy to blog, actually, and that's been a good thing.A few personal updates:- I've decided not to move. As such, my studio needs an inauguration as *my* place. It is the place that my studio will be for at least the next 10 years. What shall I call it?- my work has been crazy, but I'm feeling good about it.- I am cleaning the fuck out of my house. It's a lot of work, but I'm dedicating myself to living in the place I am. I am committing to it in a way I never have. This is awesome and terrifying.- I've been doing more written word writing than music, but I've still got ideas.- I kinda really want to have a band again.That's all for now. Much to do, much to do.


Logic and Other thoughts

