To be continued...
That title seems to sum up my feelings about music making at the moment. My studio is currently in storage while the basement of my house is renovated. The work is almost done now...just painting left. I think if it takes much longer, I'm going to lose my mind!This is the longest I've gone without a functional studio space since I was in highschool, and it's showing in my mental state. I have so much that I need to get out of my head but can't. I've got a notebook where I've got about 20 pages of notes on what my next album is going to be, right down to song structures and sound design concepts and I just CAN'T start working on it yet. I honestly can't remember the last time I planned out a song on paper. I think it was in the late 90s!So that's where things are and why the blog has been so quiet. But I'll be back soon, and with a TR-8S review.Stay with me.